Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Meal Prep Workshops

Meal Prep Workshops

Schedule a Meal Prep Workshop

Wildtree Meal Prep Workshops are fun and easy with Simmons Farms.

Prep 10 plan ahead freezer meals in less than 2 hours. Save yourself time and money with Wildtree Meal Prep Workshops.
As a meal prep workshop host, you’ll get to pick the menu. There are several Meal Prep Workshop Menus to choose from.
Wildtree is all about meeting special dietary needs. If you have food allergies, food sensitivities, or foods you avoid, I’m happy to help you find a workshop menu that meets your needs.
Once you’ve decided on the menu, I’ll create an email invitation for your workshop that you can send to guests. Or you can join us here at Simmons Farms for one of our Workshops we do in our farm kitchen once a month. Guests will need to purchase their tickets for the workshop 2 weeks ahead of time so that the Wildtree food and workshop supplies will arrive in time for the workshop.
I’ll send each guest a detailed grocery list and a short list of prep instructions that should be done before the workshop.

Shop the online selection of meal prep workshops at Contact me if you have questions or are interested in more information.

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