Friday, March 23, 2012

Welcome to the Farm

Hello. I'm the farmer's wife. I'm also the lil' farmers' mom and a school teacher for the local elementary school. I'll add a link to follow my school experiences later. Come back and look for that. Here however, I'll be sharing our adventures on our farm. You can visit our farm website at
or "like" us on facebook to stay up on the business end.

It is March here in Ohio and everything is beginning to turn green. 
We've had to shift into high gear preparing the fields and tending to the babies growing on our farm.

Here are our newest additions: 10 Golden Comet Chicks and 10 Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks in the nursery.

This week my Lil' Farmers and I painted tree branches The Farmer cut back to place an additional chicken coop for these girls above when they get bigger.

We then blew up balloons and wrapped them with string and paste, let it dry and pop the balloons for colorful Easter Eggs.

So I simply couldn't end the day without sharing two of my favorite products we have here on our farm.
1) Our caged-free, free ranged, beautiful brown eggs from our Golden Comet hens.
  Eggs Order Form $2.00 a dozen. I'll post my favorite egg recipes next.

2) And our local HONEY - YUMMY! $16 for a quart jar. I have a recipe for Shoo Fly Pie you're gonna want. I'll be adding that on the next Blog too.
  Honey Order Form

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